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Updated list of digital marketing companies in America USA

OK. This is also a perfectly valid tuple although Do be careful when we try to perform operations such as finding a list of digital marketing companies in America USA the maximum or minimum value. We won't be able to in this particular tuple because digital marketing agency cannot compare numbers and strings Otherwise there are actually a bunch of operations that we can perform on these tuples, for example, finding the length of the tuple finding the maximum or minimum value within a tuple and finding the particular index of an element within a tuple.

These are all commonly used for operations. A slightly more practical example also tuple rather than just a bunch of numbers and random strings would be for example in a videogame. An inventory item. OK, so we'd probably have at the very least an Isom name and a quantity. We might also have something like a price so we could have for example the item name. So list of digital marketing companies in America USA actually going to call this item tuple. OK. Just trying to use a replaceable real world example

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This might be on an old like a piece of food such as fruits or something maybe we have two pieces of fruits and each one is worthless say $ or five gold coins or whatever you want to call it. OK. So it will be valid to people that list of digital marketing companies in America USA might use in an actual program and name as the string price as quantity as an integer or a number. And then the price also is a number we can even make this a decimal sort of we take a look at some of those operations and actually they're quite easy to cool on these tuples for the most part.

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• We call on the operation and then put in the brackets the actual tuple we want to call on. So there's no point printing out all three of these you know how it's going to go we'll just print out these or we'll print out the strings or the mix. Let's take a look at some of those operations.
• Now let's actually just print them and put them in the operation right within here. So, for example, the first one might be the lags. Now we can get the length of any one of these tuples so the list of digital marketing companies in America USA can enter Number two Paul or I can enter in the length of our string tuple.
• OK. And floats around this would just be printed out and respectively because this one has five elements and a string tuple has only three.
• Now I can also find stuff like the maximum and minimum. So, for example, the maximum of my let's say the string tuple, for example, I might want to print this and then I might also want to print the minimum my number tuple.
• OK. So keep in mind I actually can't perform these minimax calculations all operations I should say on my item tuple because it has mixed types and we can't compare a string again to a number. Now it's not very clear exactly what's being printed out.

So I'm just going to add some additional dialogue. I could do this I can just add a string and then the variable list of digital marketing companies in America USA won't print so, in this case, this is just going to be laying off a number two ppl here. OK. So it's copy this paste it pastes it paste it obviously I'm going to change. This is now the length of the string tuple. This is the max of the string tuple and this is the men of number two. So I give this a save and run through. Now, these are labeled appropriately so I know exactly what these numbers represent and. We know that. Now, look at this.

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1. The Maxima of the string tuple has kind of found the maximum alphabetically within this tuple. So obviously and is further down the list in our alphabet so that takes on the maximum value whereas the men would be ABC and similar to our numbers.
2. Obviously, the minimum is one as is the smallest number in the set.
3. Now lastly we might want to access the particular index of an element within a tuple for some reason maybe once a what is so that we can call on the tuple name and then get the index. So, for example, let's say the list of digital marketing companies in America USA wanted to find the index of my number three in actually let's go with my life some tuple.
4. Let's say I want the index of my quantities to the index of this number two.
5. So this I could print for example index of elements. OK. And then I could just print my CC Isom tuple dots index. OK. And I simply enter in my element in this case is and list of digital marketing companies in America USA going to run this again.
6. And as you can see the index of the element is just this number one. OK. The reason this is the index is that it indexing starts at zero so this is the zeroth element.
7. This is the first element and the second element. So the index is this number. Ok, so just some nice common tuple operations. Now again we don't really want to represent lists in with a tuple will typically use arrays or dictionaries with that tuples are just a way to croupe associates of values together.

So with that being said we can go out and comment these out command and the thought slashy which also has a question mark on it will perform mass comments out and let's move to arrays. So arrays were actually set up very similarly to tuples. We simply call on the array name equals and then the list of values.